Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Brasilia : /Dom Bosco church/
|Igreja Dom Bosco|, Cláudio Neve


  1. Bravo pour ces magnifiques photos ! Cette église est tout bonnement magnifique, quand on pense qu'elle a tout juste 20 ans !

  2. great photos !

  3. WOW!!!!! This is just so beautiful, I can't stop staring at the windows... It's amazing

  4. muito Lindo!! magnifique photos!!! continue:)

  5. I really enjoy the photography on your blog! Thanks for the recent comment on my poem, I appreciate it. I look forward to following your posts!

    Did you take these photos? I was trying to tell for an upcoming Storialist poem, and just want to give the correct person credit :).

    Would you let me know when you get a chance?

  6. i love your point of view in the first photo!
    ...and the windows in the other photos, of course!

  7. @Everyone: thanks for your kind comments & encouragements – this place is indeed amazing!

    @Antony: je pensais que l’église était en fait plus ancienne ; j’ai trouvé assez peu de choses (pour ne pas dire « rien ») sur l’architecte ou le bâtiment. Si j’avais été vivre à Brasilia, comme j’en avais le projet (mais c’est tellement dur d’avoir un visa pour travailler au Brésil, puis trouver du travail etc. !) alors j’aurais sans doute passé beaucoup de temps dans l’église : cette atmosphère bleue est magique et à nulle autre pareille (en partie parce qu’il y a plusieurs bleus & des violets à certains endroits stratégiques).

    @The Storialist : Yes, you can use the pictures as long as you credit them and link clearly to me.

    @Katerina : yes, the point of view often makes the picture, because it drives the composition, which is the picture. In that case, I also had to choose my point of view based on the reflections from the setting sun.

  8. This is a powerful set. The first image is mindblowing. The second and third show incredible light!

  9. Thanks for your kind comments. Two things I would tell my students about these pictures are: override the Automatic White Balance or you'll never get the light colour right (typically shoot with outdoors - full sun or shades - setting); don't be afraid of high contrast, even if it means overexposure (as on the closest bench in the first picture) or underexposure.

  10. Merci ! Et entre nous, c'est bien mieux que tu n'ais pas la télé, je ne la regarde plus non plus depuis des années et ma tête prend l'air depuis ;)

  11. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing websites that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free. It is the old what goes around comes around routine.


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