Friday 9 April 2010

/In defence of the cufflinks/ & Christian Lacroix

Some intransigent remarks about cufflinks on Fantastic Man's forums have prompted me to publish this picture from my archives, in the vain hope that it will act in defence of the cufflinks. These are rather obviously Christian Lacroix cufflinks - in memory of one of my two favourite fashion houses.


  1. Oooh,I like the in and out of focus thing. It makes it interesting fo sho! Though I'm kinda like... where... should I look...?

  2. Thank you very much for your very interesting comment! You are very right: the differential focus is meant to challenge the way you look at the picture - so in a sense you are definitely describing the right experience.

    These days, there is a trend in photography, to make "easy" pictures where everything is sharply in focus & the viewer is unchallenged since they can look at the picture as if it were the real world, which it is not...

    Perhaps I overdid the trick though by wanting to put to much emphasis on the Christian Lacroix logo?

  3. UAU! J'adore!!!! Thank for your comment in my blog! I love Claude Montana and i saw his collection for Lanvin also at "MUSEU D'ARTS DECORATIFS"...

  4. Thanks! I probably have to go to the Musée des Arts Décoratifs when I am next in Paris...




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