Sunday, 21 August 2011

/Starcrazy/ Tommy Ton from Jak & Jil

Tommy Ton, from Jak & Jil, by David Ranc

I was asked to take a few streetstyle photographs for a Spanish blog recently. All were not published, so some will appear here from time to time.

This picture, of Tommy Ton, the photographer behind the blog Jak & Jil, was taken outside the Lincoln Center where a car show (sorry: New York fashion week, sponsored by Mercedes Benz) was held, in February 2011.


  1. Fan de J&J depuis bien longtemps, je te remercie de nous montrer ce portrait réjouissant de celui qui nous régale de ses détails mode, shoes improbables, fantasmes d'extravagance ou détail minimaliste qui change tout... un grand bonhomme !
    A bientôt

  2. Very nice. Great expression on his face. Like he is about to laugh out loud.


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